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Sensitive fields with no character/space restrictions

I need this for a number of different circumstances, but a few of them are:

I like to have my credit card #'s in the format XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. This is much easier to read for me than a run on 16 digit number. My bank also has a base account # followed by a code for each account type in the format XXXXXXX-XXX. I am unable to use sensitive fields because when I add a space or dash to the field, it won't save. I would like to have a sensitive field type with absolutely no restrictions on characters or white space used.

Hi Shea,

It sounds like you are trying to use the credit card field for sensitive numbers with your bank example. Please use our sensitive numbers field instead. As for the formatting, mSecure will display the credit card number field as XXXX XXXX XXXX 1234 or 1234 1234 1234 1234 if showing sensitive information. However, it does ask you to input the credit card number with no spaces.

You are correct about the credit card field option displaying with spaces, but why are there no spaces on input...doesn't make much sense, it should display exactly what I entered. As for the sensitive number field for my bank account, it doesn't work...I need to input a dash/hyphen character. Also those were only a few examples. I still have many uses for a sensitive field with no character or space restrictions. It would also serve as a catch all for any other input fields that are missing in the apk.

Also, THIS IS A FEATURE REQUEST that should be visible at "Discussions/General/Feature Requests" for other users to see, not a general question. Why is it only visible at "Discussions/Have a question?/Other"?

This seemed more of a question to me. If I find that this is something we don't already have, I can move it back to the feature request section. You should use our password field if you would like to use a sensitive field with not character restrictions. 

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