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I can't open up the desktop version

Works on my iPhone... stupid working on my MacBook Pro. Just keep getting "mSecure 5 quit unexpectedly"

3 Personen haben dieses Problem

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. To fix your crashing issues (Please let me know if you don't have access to your mSecure information on another device or through a cloud sync before going through with these steps):

1. Quit mSecure on your Mac

2. Open a Finder window and using the menus at the top, select the ‘Go’ -> ‘Go to Folder…’


~/Library/Containers/com.mseven.msecuremac/Data/Library/Application Support/mSecure

4. Click ‘Go’

5. Move the mSecure.mscb file to the trash

6. Re-launch mSecure

7. Sign in to your account

Please make sure to have access to your QR code before doing this: The QR code/authentication should not be required manually if you've signed in to mSecure 5.5 and authenticated previously on iOS or Mac, but it's always good to have access to the QR code just in case.

I can't start mSecure 5 desktop on my Mac (OSX 10.10.5) after update from App Store too.

I tried the solution above by moving the mSecure.mscb file to the trash.

But same behavior. After starting mSecure 5 through Spotlight, it directly ends with the Standard Apple Error Report Dialog.

On my Android Smartphone (Samsung Note 4) everything works fine. 

I am having same issue, did as above, no change, uninstalled and removed all trace of mSecure, reinstalled and same issue.

When will this be resolved, latest Mac M1 processor running macOS Monterey v 12.2.1

Hi Arrie10,

The issue above is not related to what you're dealing with now, but I'll do everything I can to help. can you explain what's happening after you install mSecure and then open the app? Does it allow you enter in your password, or use Touch ID to unlock it, and then does it crash? Or are you saying nothing happens at all when you open it?

Sorry, miss read the above, correct, upgraded to latest version, asks to enter password (wont allow touchid yet), and then crashes as soon as i enter password generates report that can be sent to apple

Hi Arrie10,

We're doing everything we can right now to get this known issue resolved. Our developer has a logging build he's created to get information from customers. Would you be interested in downloading this build to provide information on what's causing the crash?

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