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Data Transfer from PC version to IpadPro version 11.2.6

can you walk me through a transfer of my MSecure data from my old PC to my new IPadPro?

1 Person hat diese Frage

Hi Lee,

It looks like you started this reply in the middle of a conversation? I'm not sure if we've had any back and fourths here. Are you trying to use mSecure 4 or mSecure 5 here? You mention both app. Are you able to unlock mSecure 4 or 5 on your device? You also mention trying to restore from a backup file. All mSecure backup files are encrypted with the login password (mSecure 4 or below) or account password (mSecure 5). In order to restore from a backup file, you'll have to know the backup's password. 

mSecure 5 will ask you for this password in order to try to restore the backup information. mSecure 4 will simply let you know that your login password does not match the password for the backup file. You'll have to change the login password in mSecure 4 to match the backup's password in order to be able to restore from a backup in mSecure 4. 

Hope at least some of this information is useful for you. If not, can you please start over an explain things a bit more?

my iphone locked, reset, tried to download msecure4 from previously purchased, and it won't let me do anything without my old password?  Guess where that was kept?  in msecure4!  I have a backup mism file last sent a month ago, but when I try to copy it or open it to msecure5, it asks for password, which i just made up when I downloaded msecure 5, and it says it is invalid.  Is that because it wants to msecure 4 password?  when I copy it to msecure 4, it asks for my password, which I clearly don't remember.  I have the back up sent to my email, how do I open it?  

Thanks, Eden. This time it restored

I'm not sure what you mean here. However, you need to have mSecure 5 in the main view. The restore option will not appear if you have the menu screen opened or if you're in the settings in mSecure 5 before tapping the "Copy to mSecure" option on your backup file.


Followed your directions . Successfully installed the 3.5.6 version on my PC and transferred a 3.5.4 backup to it. Then created a 3.5.6 msim backup and emailed it to myself. Opened that email on my IPad. Clicked on the attachment and tapped "Copy to MSecure". Used the touch ID to open it.  However, no red "Restore" button has appeared. It simply has a Settings menu open in front of the MSecure home page. 

Thanks, I will try that later and get back to you!

Hi R.Hughes,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. Unfortunately, mSecure 3.5.4 from the Microsoft Store app creates the older .mscx backup file format that mSecure 5 cannot use. mSecure 5 is looking for a .msim backup file created in the regular desktop version of mSecure 3 or mSecure 4 on iOS and Android.

Please download mSecure 3 for desktops here: After downloading that version and setting up a new database login password, please follow these instructions:

  1. Open mSecure 3.5.4 from the Microsoft Store app
  2. Click the menu icon on the top left corner if using Windows 10 and click settings or bring up the charms bar and select settings on Windows 8 (I believe you click on the right side of the screen on Windows 8 to bring up the charms bar or  the Windows key+c)
  3. Click Backup/Import
  4. Click Backup
  5. Create a backup file
  6. Open mSecure 3.5.6 that you downloaded from my link above and unlock the app
  7. Click File
  8. Click Restore and select the backup file you created in step 5
  9. Click File
  10. Click Backup to create a new backup file ending in .msim

Afterwards, you can send yourself this encrypted backup file via email and follow these steps to restore from the backup file in mSecure 5 for iOS: 

  1. Open the Mail app on your iOS device, and find the email with your backup file attached
  2. Tap on the attachment, then tap “Copy to mSecure”
  3. After mSecure is opened, use TouchID or enter your password to unlock the app
  4. Tap the red “Restore” button when prompted
  5. Enter backup’s password and tap Restore

If you're using Windows 10, you can skip this part and instead download mSecure 5 on your Windows 10 machine and restore from the .msim backup file:

I have been using MSecure for Windows 8 version I am moving all of my work to an IPadPro ios version 11.2.6. I have installed MSecure Pro 5.5 on that IPad. What is the most expedient way to move my data to the Pad?

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