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purchasing app for a friend

How can I gift a copy of this app to a friend

Hi Noella,

The purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with. Unfortunately, we do not have any kind of gifting system in place at the moment. If you'd like to purchase mSecure 5 for a friend, you'd have to create an mSecure account for them (assuming they don't have one already) and purchase a license for them. This can be done on our website here: https://www.msecure.com/purchase-msecure

Afterwards, you would have to provide your friend the account credentials and they'd be able to change their account password once signed in to mSecure 5 on a device: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000022180-change-account-password

is there a way to contact msecure that is private? I have a payment issue that I would like to discuss with someone..

thank you


Hi Noella,

Please create a ticket here on this website or email us at [email protected] to speak privately about any issues you might have. 

Note: we do not control anything with Apple's app stores. If you made a purchase through our in-app purchase in mSecure 5, you'll have to speak to Apple directly about your payment issues.

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