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Linux Desktop

 Hi, I'm a newbie to this forum, but a long time Msecure user. I couldn't find any reference to Linux in the Forum discussions, so I'd like to request a Linux version of Msecure desktop. I can't bring myself to install Windows 10 and of course Msecure Desktop doesn't install on XP. But I've been migrating to Linux, and would love to take Msecure 5 with me. Thanks

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Adding another +1 to the web-based integration. I would also still request a Snap, an Appimage, an anything for Linux; The Wifi sync would be much nicer for my use case to have on a machine that is on all the time, I normally don't keep multiple of my machines running at once.

Thanks your feedback Stephen! Unfortunately, we still don't have plans for a Linux version of mSecure.

 A web client would be handy - even as just a read-only way of viewing the data. For me a native Linux app is a nice-to-have but mostly because I find it such a faff entering/editing data on a smartphone or tablet and like a proper big keyboard!

Its been almost 2 years since this thread opened, it certainly doesn't look like this is going to happen. Does anyone know of a good work around? I am getting sick of not having access to all of my passwords in Linux. 

would love an ubuntu version

Austin - While I always liked msecure the lack of linux support was a deal breaker for me so I ended up using Enpass which fully supports Linux, Mac, Windows. Funny thing is Microsoft 10 now has a Linux subsystem yet msecure doesn't see the value in providing a linux desktop version...:D

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