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Linux Desktop

 Hi, I'm a newbie to this forum, but a long time Msecure user. I couldn't find any reference to Linux in the Forum discussions, so I'd like to request a Linux version of Msecure desktop. I can't bring myself to install Windows 10 and of course Msecure Desktop doesn't install on XP. But I've been migrating to Linux, and would love to take Msecure 5 with me. Thanks

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would love an ubuntu version or at least browser extension

Hi Eden, and thanks for the welcome. I'm using Debian 8.7 Cinnamon for my Unix system. I know that I'm a bit of a dinosaur regarding XP, but it is very stable, and I'm really not a fan of Microsoft's heavy handed restrictions on the newer OSs. Still, it's getting harder to keep using XP, so I'm looking for alternatives to some of my favorite, and constantly used programs. Bottom line is that I'll give up programs to avoid moving to another MS product. So I hope that the Linux community will start waving the flag and clamoring for Msecure for their systems. By the way, I think that the cloud is a security disaster waiting to happen, so it's notan option for me as far as backups or syncronization goes.  Having said all that, I hope that Msecure can see its way to a LInux version, because I think it's a great product.

++ I would also like to see a Linux desktop client.  I am currently running Fedora 27, Cent 7, Mint 16.  I have used mSecure for many years and would like to take advantage of 5 features on my systems.



Hello All,

I 2nd this request and I a currently running Manarjo Linux and would be open to testing as well. I have tried getting the client running in Wine and that works however it cannot sync with the database.


I would love to see this too.  I'm a Debian 9 Cinamon/i3 and Fedora 29 Cinamon/i3.  I use linux at home and at work.

+1 -- I would love to see support for Linux, or at least for a Chrome browser plugin that works on Linux.

+1 for (debian based).


+1 for debian based system. [Linux is the future]

Its been almost 2 years since this thread opened, it certainly doesn't look like this is going to happen. Does anyone know of a good work around? I am getting sick of not having access to all of my passwords in Linux. 

Austin - While I always liked msecure the lack of linux support was a deal breaker for me so I ended up using Enpass which fully supports Linux, Mac, Windows. Funny thing is Microsoft 10 now has a Linux subsystem yet msecure doesn't see the value in providing a linux desktop version...:D

Yeah, I guess I will look around to see what else is out there. It's been a couple of years and waiting for it to happen, it's pretty clear the devs don't see value. Thanks for making a great tool though guys, you've helped me through many years of not forgetting my password.

Msecure is friendly and well debugged for my use with Android and Win10 (not sure about MacOSs), and I use the local home network sync feature (rather than the msecure cloud sync).

The real problem is MS-Windows and its total invasion/taking control of your "Personal" computer. So I am abandoning  Win10 on my desktops and moving to Linux (Mint, i.e. Debian/Ubuntu). What a shame there is no linux support for msecure...

I at present use Keepass on my linux desktops-- but it's a real pain in the ass as to 'sync' files, as to do that I need to msecure export then Keepass import .CSV files. And that only really works if all mesecure records are kept as one type (otherwise the Keepass importing process is far too laborious...), and you'd bettter not use backslashes in your msecure passwords!!

I just hope the msecure team come-up with a Linux package, although I understand that market rules make this a low priority for them.

would love an ubuntu version

Hi James, and thank you for contacting us. We have had a handful of customers request a version of mSecure for Linux, but at this time, we don't have any plans for its development. It's never out of the question, of course, but the demand would have to increase before we would be able to prioritize those development resources.

Make an amazing solution better by supporting LINUX ....

Please reconsider a LINUX version and especially for Ubuntu.... your competitors offer this and Browser plug-ins!

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