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Linux Desktop

 Hi, I'm a newbie to this forum, but a long time Msecure user. I couldn't find any reference to Linux in the Forum discussions, so I'd like to request a Linux version of Msecure desktop. I can't bring myself to install Windows 10 and of course Msecure Desktop doesn't install on XP. But I've been migrating to Linux, and would love to take Msecure 5 with me. Thanks

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Hi Ted,

Welcome to our forum and thank you for the feature request. What distro are you using on Linux? Ubuntu? Since it sounds like you're using XP which is practically ancient, perhaps you've opted for a less system intense flavor of Ubuntu such as Kubuntu or Lubuntu. Of the Ubuntu variants I'm really enjoying Ubuntu Bungie at the moment. LXLE is a great distro for older computers.

This feature request has been requested by several users (about 20 users in our last forum system). However, we are unlikely to create a Linux version of mSecure unless there is just overwhelming demand for a Linux version. However, we will be releasing browser plugins of mSecure 5, and I am hoping we are able to release a fully independent version of our plugin which would allow users to use our browser plugin on Chrome and(or) Firefox on any system. A fully independent browser plugin would require the use our our mSecure Cloud feature though. 

Again, thank you for the request and I'm sorry I don't have better news here. 

+1 for Linux version.  Thanks!

Still no plans for Linux, but browser plugins will be here for Mac at first release of v6 and will be available for Windows in a future release of v6.

@Rob Thank you for contacting us about Linux functionality! This might be doable, but I would need to talk to our developer first. The security model is open to anyone and the AES-256 encryption algorithm is open source, so it should be possible to create a simple client app if you were inclined to do so. I think the easiest way to do this would be to start with Dropbox syncing, because that requires no interaction with either our mSecure Cloud server or another desktop mSecure app. You would simply be connecting to your Dropbox account, downloading the sync file, and then creating everything needed to decrypt the data. Once done, then you would simply need to re-encrypt the data and upload to your Dropbox account in order to sync any changes you made to the other mSecure apps.

Let me talk to our developer about this. And for anyone listening in on this thread, do know there are no guarantees we'll be able to make this work, and also, this is only for @Rob, as whatever client app he might create will not be sanctioned by mSeven Software. That should all be obvious, but I just didn't want to get everyone's hopes up =)

If you could Rob, please email us at "" and we'll continue the discussion via email.

+1... (just moved from Windows to Linux for my desktop machine).  But since a Linux version isn't a priority (understandably!) -- @Mike, is there any chance the synchronization protocol is documented somewhere?  I'd be open to writing a simple client, depending on how complex the protocol is.  (I've done some security-critical dev work in the past, and I think I understand some of the dangers involved.)

Just adding another voice—I support the need for a Linux solution from mSecure. I would prefer a native desktop app of some kind, but I would also be happy with just a web-based system or even some official help with a Wine solution (would Proton help?)

I would like to add my voice to getting a Linux version of mSecure desktop. 

Just a point to consider once you have a desktop for Linux it would then appear in the software manager which would then help push your software to a whole group of untapped users.

Adding another +1 to the web-based integration. I would also still request a Snap, an Appimage, an anything for Linux; The Wifi sync would be much nicer for my use case to have on a machine that is on all the time, I normally don't keep multiple of my machines running at once.

Just another voice here - from Germany - from a long-standing MSecure user, who also just subscribed to the premium plan - who would welcome a Ubuntu / Linux client. Me too migrated away from Windows 10 recently as my, older, PC hardware is no longer supported by the latest Windows 11 (TPM 2.0 chip crap). Because of how I understand how software application works, I would also welcome a - secure - web client which works on FireFox., but also understand that won't happen immediately.

@Robert Unfortunately, at this time, I don't foresee us building a Linux version of mSecure anytime soon. It's possible it could happen in the future, but now is definitely not the time to take on this type of venture. I do thank you for your feedback, and I'm sorry I don't have better news.

@Robert Unfortunately, we still don't have plans at this time to port mSecure over to Linux.

Sstill no use (anymore) of msecure.  Secure "own solution" adopted. Sorry, enjoy the "happy" and "unaware"  OSX/Windows/Iphone/Android customers.

Also would like a Linux version of mSecure.  Have been using mSecure on W10/7 etc for many years but time to move to Linux and so, unfortunately it seems, will have to move away from mSecure.


 A web client would be handy - even as just a read-only way of viewing the data. For me a native Linux app is a nice-to-have but mostly because I find it such a faff entering/editing data on a smartphone or tablet and like a proper big keyboard!

I used to use evernote and the lack of a Linux client was not so much of a problem because the Web interface was pretty decent. Might that happen?

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