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I can't restore data

I have a Samsung Galaxy 5. Unfortunately  I had to reset it.

I've restored all programs including mSecure but  in this case iI can't replace the data.

I have my desktop version and previous backup in Dropbox but I don't find the way to restore the registers.

Can you please help me


Hi Carlos,

  1. mSecure 4 is not available for desktops. The older version for desktops or computers is mSecure 3. mSecure 3.5.6 is the latest version of the older version for Windows.
  2. mSecure 3 for Windows can sync via Dropbox syncing. However, the previous versions of mSecure were all sold separately on each platform. If you've previously purchased mSecure 3, you can learn how to re-download, install, and activate it here:
  3. mSecure 5 is a one-time purchase of $29.99 that gives you access to all the mSecure 5 features on iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows. However, mSecure 5's system requirements are: iOS 9.3+; Watch OS 2.2+; Android 4.3+; Mac 10.10+; Windows 10 (UWP) so I would not recommend mSecure 5 for you since you use Windows 7. 

Please let me know if you have any more questions.



Hi Eden, thank you for your quick answer.

Now a few questions:

1) Does  mSecure 4.0.6  need an upgrade in Windows. I use satisfactorily Win 7 

2) If I download  the 4.0.6 version may I surely sync with Dropbox backups?

3) How much is the new version for Android?

Thanks again and I'll be looking forward to your kind answer.


Hi Carlos,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. Since the older version(s) of mSecure isn't a cloud-based app, there is no way to "sign in" to an account where your information is stored online. Because of this, each older version of the mSecure's login password is device specific and your information is not automatically restored when an older version of mSecure is installed or reinstalled on a mobile device.

Since you mention having used Dropbox in the past, you can re-enable Dropbox in mSecure 4.0.6 to have all of your information from Dropbox sync in:



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