Hi David,
The browser plugin update will be part of our upcoming major update that will also include sharing features among many other added features. However, please note that our browser plugin will require the mSecure app running on your computer to work. That means that our app will continue to not be compatible with Linux. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you here. When making passwords for devices you have to manually enter passwords for such as a device login password, I'd recommend making the password 12-18 characters long and have it not include special characters in order to make it easier to read off of another device and enter.
Please can we have that Browser extention? Its a source of constant frustration to me because I use R Pi and Linux and every time I want to use passwords on my R Pi or Linux system I have to get my phone out and type passwords in manually which make using nice secure proper passwords an apsolute utter pain. Also it makes the process of setting up passwords on the R Pi and making sure they are recorder in msecure a very dodgy process.
I am now looking at giving up on msecure for some other browser based system even if only for that group of passwords that I need on my R Pi.
The lack of browser extensions is the ONLY thing standing between me ditching 1Password to switch to mSecure. But this one feature is crucial and a deal breaker for me. Can you at least give us some sense of when we can expect these? This year, next year? I don't want to invest in a new platform without some assurance that the one feature that I feel is absolutely necessary is coming soon.
Hi John,
Unfortunately, for your request here, we do not give out release targets or dates. We learned our lesson with the release of mSecure 5 :-)
Able to offer a general timeframe when you target to release a Safari extension?
Thank you for the explanation Eden....... it's very much appreciated and I do not wish to appear rude or unappreciative of your efforts, mSecure is a fine PM.
Like many, I have been a keen supporter of 1Password since 2011............ I have tried many other PM's as a replacement but I like mSecure best of all, the only aspect that holds me back is the lack of Safari and Chrome plugins.
There is another reason I like mSecure so much, that is, it is the only PM I have tried that "accurately" and effortlessly imports my existing 1Password .pif exported files. The data import into mSecure is faultless and without loss of content or integrity. Manyt (not all) other PM's I have tried depend on CSV imports which is not as accurate or as comprehensive as .pif, in my opinion.....
Not being a programmer myself I don't understand the reasons, I'm just a little frustrated waiting for those extensions to mSecure.............bear with me.....
Thank you for the quick response. I'm a developer and fully understand the mentioned constraints. I also understand that by choosing to keep the one time purchase (by popular demand) it severely limits mSecures resources. mSecure is doing a FANTASTIC job with what you have to work with and keeping it a one time payment app. I always get a little curious when I see people in reviews complain about having to pay again for mSecure5 and saying they are switching to an app that charges double or triple PER YEAR what mSecure costs. Thank you for your continued efforts. I'll be keeping a close eye on the progress and switch back as soon as released. :)
Hi 2Cents and Ron,
Thank you for your feedback 2Cents. Unfortunately, or fortunately, this is the sentiment of a lot of customers lately. Fortunately, we are making lots of progress towards finishing our browser plugins. Ron, it's not a problem. Programming simply takes time specially when you are a small company like we are. I hope you understand that browser plugins are not just a simple extension script. In order to release a decent browser plugin, the plugin must work under lots of different scenarios and be able to process most of the different forms, ajax, javascript, etc. found on websites. In order for it to "just work" there needs to be a lot of programming going on in the background to capture and process the correct data. There's also always security concerns to keep in mind as well.
We have a few people dedicated to the extension/plugin now and are making great progress with the feature. However, we are likely to take a bit in releasing this feature to polish what we have and to release it along side other big features we are also currently working on such as sharing features that allow you to share groups with other mSecure users, dark themes for all platforms, a new tagging system, password history, password and date reminders, haveibeenpwned.com integration for our Security Center, and many other additional features or enhancements (remove custom icons from Mac/iOS, additional attachments, Security Center for Windows).
Just wish mSecure would explain to us "what is the problem writing a simple browser extension script"................ Virtually every other notable PM program has Browser Extensions as standard........... What' the problem ???
I switched to LastPass due to the delay of this standard feature. Frankly, I still like mSecure much more than Dashlane, 1Password and LastPass (tried them all) but will continue not recommending it until this feature is supported for all major platforms/browsers. I have 6 family members that have approached me for recommendations on a password manager and was disappointed that I could only mention but not recommend mSecure. I was a die hard advocate for a onetime payment and that's why I originally switched to mSecure. I would pay a subscription in a heart beat with this feature after having experienced other PW managers. Please just make this happen as soon as possible. You have a fantastic platform and feature set. Only missing this one (very important) standard feature which in the end I believe will make or break mSecures future.
So it's 2019 and pretty much most competitors have this feature now :/
Can you make it a high priority to add browser extensions please
Also support for the Brave browser would be good too
I feel the same.........
I'm sad to say that I cannot wait any longer I've now started using 1Password which is a real shame as I've always liked mSecure
The Safari Extension was originally promised for late this year (2018)................. Any news ?
Is there any news on mainstream browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc) plugins, please?
I believe competitive Password Managers have a Chrome extension so that usernames and passwords are entered automatically (or at least prompted) when going to a site that mSecure contains the credentials for.
It would be great if mSecure had that as well.
It would be even greater if that worked with mobile Chrome on iOS.
I see the current iOS extension but it only works with Safari, and it requires that I remember that my password is stored there (no auto-prompt), then click Share, then click the mSecure option. That's a lot to remember and not exactly intuitive (I'm not sharing). So the current functionality could be improved upon to be useful.
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