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switching from passwords plus to msecure import issues

so i purchased msecure and have password plus, so first thing i don't see a way to import passwords in to msecure and 2nd thing is i don't see a way to get my passwords off of passwords plus  

2 personas tienen esta pregunta

Which platform are you using? Both Windows and Mac has a Passwords Plus CSV importer in them.

William, DataViz explained how to do this in their initial email on Passwords Plus decommissioning. You just export your PP file to a CSV, clean it up, then import it into mSecure. There is even a special import entry in the Backups setting for DataViz Passwords Plus CSV files.

Hello William!  The process of migrating your Passwords Plus (PP) to mSecure is very easy and straightforward.   

1) Export your password data from the PP program in CSV format.

2) Import your PP data into the mSecure program using the import option on mSecure.  mSecure even provides a special import for Dataviz PP CSV files.  

3) All done!   Certainly stress free and easy.  Very nice to see all the passwords show up in mSecure.  You can use mSecure more advance features to tweak you PP data, etc..  

Summary -  I have been using Passwords Plus for many years and always was completely happy.  I certainly wish PP (Dataviz) would have simply started a subscription based service similar to all current software programs rather than shutting down PP.  That said..... I am EXTREMELY happy with mSecure thus far.  I did not wait until my 30 day trial was over.  I knew immediately once I saw all my passwords, etc., data migrate over without any issues, I wanted to purchase the Premium mSecure program.   

Major Wish for mSecure -  I REALLY want to see some type of reasonably priced family plan where we can all share passwords but have the option to use a person vault.  This is extremely important for us senior citizens getting older to share our passwords with loved ones should we die or get sick.  A true Family plan is really important as none of us really like to share our entire account with the same user name.  Each person purchasing their own account result in a cost that is significantly higher than other competing true family sharing password programs.  If mSecure would like to keep me as a long term customer as I have been with Passwords Plus, they should come out with a true reasonably priced Family Plan.

it just has not imported correctly for me either . No passwords after n .  Lots of data just has nothing but question mark 

I have the same situation as John.  of the 226 records imported just a handful are correct.   Those that are not appear to be the ones I updated the field names or created new ones.  I use it for all kinds of information, not just passwords.  I have been a PP user for many many years.  Although I am pretty good at Excel, I don't want to spend hours and hours figuring out how to format the Excell sheet to properly import.  It imported all my non-standard records as Templates .... which makes it so I can't see the data and also can't make any modifications.  If I change the template, then of course all the data disappears.    So very disappointed as I thought having the custom import was a great benefit. Probably should have at least used part of my trial period before buying.  

I understand the frustration of having to go to Excel to fix up the PP export, but the multi-line notes really mess things up when mSecure imports (or attempts to) the file. I had to do some game playing with the notes to get it to work right. 

What I ended up doing was to replace the new line markers with " \  ", then import the file cleanly. Lastly, I went back and fixed the " \ " to be new lines. Painful, but that's how it goes in almost any export, not just PP. In the end, it wasn't a terrible experience editing with Excel. I cleaned up some extraneous garbage that showed up in entries that were duplicates of existing PP entries and, in general, standardized some of my entry titles at the same time. :)

The first entry in each line tells the importer (PP or mSecure) what type of record the line is. Any entries whose lines start with a "1," are considered to be templates and are imported as such, including the PP templates at the bottom of the file. You should probably delete them from the CSV before importing into mSecure. At least that's what I did.

I solved my problem but it may not be possible for everyone.   My original export was on a windows  laptop.  So I tried it on an apple laptop and it worked only   I have residue data that is useless rom the first upload . I dont want to delete it just in case.  But now I have all the passwords on my windows laptop and android phone and my wife has it working on her iphone. .

Thanks for your information Scott.  Looks like I need to work on some clean up in PP first and export again etc.  I actually didn't think about if it was going to be messy with the fields that I changed. ... since they said there had been a custom import created for PP.   This will give me a chance to refresh all my IT skills I used before I retired.  Never say never ! 

For those following this topic: I just posted a quick 'How to' in the "Migration from Password Plus - New user needs guidance" forum here. Based on my personal experiences, but it worked for me!

Trying to post a new topic gives a captcha failure.  Anyone else get this?

Posting here as I cannot start a new topic.

So I have seen several posts about problems with this task, so let me add my own points.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Notes screw up import - I have seen several posts saying to eliminate line breaks.  This is tedious and does not always help.Long titles for a PP entry can confuse the importer.Similar titles can confuse it, making it think that other entries are part of the first one.

I am sure there are more, but I am just starting on this journey.  I have over 400 records, which I am working on editing and trimming.

Dan, yes I was getting Captcha failure too. Sometimes I would be presented with a set of images within the captcha box which I had to select certain content. The box was so small and the images virtually undecipherable. But this didn't happen every time. Sometimes with images, sometimes without - but Captcha always failed.

Barry - what have you done?  Were you able to get around it?

Hi Everyone,

I posted this same response in the another thread where Passwords Plus users are trying to work through the transition to mSecure. If anyone here is viewing that thread you may have seen the response already, so forgive me if it sounds redundant.

Unfortunately, as you are all finding out, there is a bug with the Windows importer for Passwords Plus. Our developer worked out most of the issues yesterday, and he'll be doing everything he can to get any remaining problems fixed today. This means we'll be getting the build submitted to the Microsoft Store very soon, then it's just a matter of waiting for the review to be certified by Microsoft so we can publish it. We're sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and the new version will be in the Microsoft Store as quickly as possible.

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